Instructions Given to the Artists

Artist Instructions & Description

Truth — Most people have their own idea of what truth or “the truth” is. People might argue that truth itself doesn’t change, but what people perceive as truth can change. Sharing one’s perception of the truth may change it even further. Even a person who does not mean to change it may unconsciously affect the way others receive their message. Now add to this equation the filter of biases and life experience through which the truth must pass when being received by another person and it is little wonder why truth is such an illusive target.

This artistic exploration of truth is not that different from a game some of us played in school, where a whispered story made its way around the classroom. By the time the story made it to the last person it had evolved, sometimes containing nothing of the original message.

The catalyst for the Circle of Truth  will be kept secret until the show opens. The process will begin with the first artist in the Circle  receiving the catalyst. He or she will take some time to reflect upon their personal visualization. They will then attempt to convey this truth in their painting. The painted canvas will then be passed on to the next artist in the Circle  along with a blank canvas. The second artist will then spend some period of time contemplating and absorbing the truth they see in the painting by the previous artist, and will endeavor to convey that truth in their painting to the next artist in the Circle . And so it continues, each artist only having access to the painting of the immediately preceding artist, without benefit of any verbal dialog to help them interpret what they are seeing. Paint and intuition will be their only tools. Seeking truth within the painting and within themselves will be their challenge.

There will be forty-nine artists participating in the Circle of Truth . Each artist will receive a 20 x 20 inch linen canvas on which to make their contribution. We ask each artist to respond honestly to what they see in the painting they are presented. This is not a time for an artist to make another painting for which they are known. Our hope is that in the end viewers will see the seeds of truth being conveyed and evolving as the paintings are passed from one artist to the next – experiencing the bond the artists share as caretakers of the truest form of dialog between artist and viewer. It’s a dialog that reaches deeper than words, as each person in the Circle becomes both viewer and artist.

Each artist will have two weeks to complete his or her part of the Circle . There are only fifty-two weeks in a year and with forty-nine artists in the Circle  time starts to be an important aspect of this project. Each artist must adhere to this schedule. If an artist is not able to work on their painting during the two weeks it is scheduled to be in their studio, then it will go to the next available artist in the Circle  and the artist who was skipped may be put back in line later. Of course each artist will be given a rough idea of when the project will be coming to their studio and as that date draws near we will keep everyone abreast of the schedule. The project will take roughly three years to complete.

As the Circle  makes its way through each of the forty-nine studios, the completed paintings will be numbered and stored until the show opens. When the show opens the paintings will be hung in the order in which they were painted. Only then will the artists know the identity of the other artists and be able to share their experiences with one another. This should make for a unique and compelling catalog, as well as a lively panel discussion.


S P E C I A L     I N S T R U C T I O N S

We will pick up both paintings from you on at a time to be arranged. If you finish your painting before this date please contact us and we will pick it up and deliver it to the next artist in the Circle. This will allow us to complete the project and schedule the exhibition at an earlier date.


In order to conceal your identity from the next artist in the Circle please do not sign your painting. The curators are planning an event at the opening of the exhibition where all the participating artists will have an opportunity to sign their paintings.


After you have finished your painting please write an essay about your experience. (What was your starting point? What did you feel was being conveyed in the previous artist’s painting? What were your revelations, struggles etc.?) We may use the artists’ essays in the show catalog. When you are finished with your essay email it to (Word document preferred).